Christian Aid Week looks very different this year -please do log on tomorrow (Sunday) for our Christian Aid Service. Although things may be different what doesn’t differ is the need and the call to give.
Sharing and giving, for those who are able to, is a responsibility not an optional, but human nature has always been more disposed towards getting. Giving is to others, but getting is to self, and self has always been a popular focus, a focus that has absorbed the history of the world’s philosophies:
Greek philosophy said – be wise, Know yourself
The Romans said, be strong, discipline yourself
Religion said, be good, conform yourself
Enjoyment said, be sensuous, appreciate yourself
Education said, be resourceful, expand yourself
Psychology said, be confident, assert yourself
Materialism said, be satisfied, please yourself
Pride said, be superior, promote yourself
Advertising said, your worth it, be a winner, improve yourself
Humanism said, be capable, believe in yourself
Legalism said, be pious, limit yourself
Ambition said, be your destiny, make yourself.
These philosophies can be summed up as self, self, self,
Do something for yourself, with yourself, to yourself.
All very different from Jesus who said Give yourself
Christian Aid Week is a timely reminder to lose the focus of self by giving to others.