During my 14 years in Naval uniform I had little choice of colour when it came to socks, black socks or black socks. When serving in tropical uniform a multi-choice of white socks or white socks. But when on leave, or a weekend at home, it was time for a defiant display of ‘Saturday Socks’.
This footwear rebellion was a colourful display of reds, greens, stripey, polka-dot, cartoon characters, and my ‘Saturday favourite’, Purple. Such radical hosiery gave my day a sense of liberated freedom. A chaussettes revolution. Sometimes it is the little things in life that make the difference.
So, when I recently discovered there was an online retailer called ‘Saturday Socks’ I couldn’t resist placing an order. After all everyday of retirement is a Saturday (isn’t it?).
The choice was incredible. I also found several online sites were you can design your own patterns, or even have your own photograph printed onto your socks.
Ironically, the only sock challenge I have now is finding that one black pair that I reserve for dark suit formal occasions.
So, what deep theological reflection does my foot apparel invoke for today? None at all! Sometimes in times like this it is just good to have a flippant superficial theme that reminds us it is OK to enjoy the silly things of life.