at St George's
St George’s has a long history of bell ringing: the oldest bell dates from 1605. During 1981 two more bells were added and we now have a ‘light’ ring of 10 bells the heaviest known as the ‘The Tenor bell’ weighing just 8 cwt. We get numerous visiting teams who like to ring 10 bells.
It is not often we have enough support to ring all the bells but we are able to ring either 6 or 8 bells for the main service and for occasions such as weddings and special events.

The ringers meet for practice on Tuesday evenings from 7.30 till 9.00 all are welcome to come along and ‘have a go’ – there are no age barriers!
We have a weekly magazine called ‘The Ringing World’ which can be delivered to your door or viewed online it keeps you up to date with activities locally and ‘around the world’.
Bellringing is a very social activity and it is also now recognized as a very good way of ‘keeping fit’ mentally and physically.
We have a simulator bell which is a great asset for giving very young children a ‘go’ – it has a computer programme and can be used by everyone to help obtain ‘good’ ringing.
Locally and within the diocese there are occasional competitions (we have won a few). Please come along any Tuesday or contact Brenda Arscott (arscottbrenda@hotmail.com).
We are grateful for the support of the church members, and look forward to a healthy future at St George’s.