Why Mossy Church?
Mossy Church was started during Easter 2021 to reach out to the local community and provide a relaxed outdoor group which would engage with creation and see how it points to the Creator. At the time we only had a few families who came to St G’s so the hope was to welcome and inspire more families along to explore their faith in a gentle way, as well as build community links.
How does Mossy Church work?
Mossy Church is run by a team of friendly volunteers from St G’s. We host sessions and events mostly in the churchyard and sometimes at ‘Wildside’, a venue on the Blackdown Hills. The sessions are either ‘Mini Mossy’ sessions for families with children aged 0-5 which take place during the weekdays, or ‘Mossy’ sessions for families with children aged 0-14 which take place on weekends and during school holidays. Each session is based on a nature theme (such as ‘minibeasts’, autumn, the seaside, stargazing and many more) and involve lots of nature crafts, activities, songs, stories and sensory play.
Who has linked in with Mossy Church?
We have run over 20 different events, sessions and services as Mossy Church since April 2021 with lots more planned. We have loved welcoming and connecting with hundreds of parents/carers and children since we started (we had 50+ people at our ‘Mini’ session last Monday!) both in person and on our Facebook page.
How is Mossy Church funded?
We wanted Mossy Church to be an expression of hospitality to the families in our community. To be able to welcome families in and share with them the hope, love and wonder which God shows us through His creation in a relaxed and gentle way. By offering this free group we have been able to welcome a substantial number of families to Mossy Church and through that, then some on to now become regular worshipping members of St George’s. All of the crafts are prepared by our volunteers and on a shoestring / free budget! In order to further develop the ministry of Mossy Church as well as the other family ministries here at St G’s we would like to raise some funds for new equipment (such as a parachute, tuff trays, baby equipment, craft supplies and more). On October 22nd, we would like to welcome the whole community of ANY AGE to come and support our fundraiser afternoon. We will have refreshments & sweet treats for sale, a raffle and the rare opportunity to have your toy or teddy bear abseil or zip wire down the church tower! Each brave toy will get a certificate of Bear Bravery for a minimum suggested donation of £2 per ted.
How can I support Mossy Church?
There are a few ways you can get involve and support the ministry of Mossy Church (& ministry to families as a whole at St G’s). You can SHARE our events and our Facebook page with families you know. You can COME to our fundraising event on the 22nd October, or alternatively make a donation via the church office (clearly labelled for St G’s Family Ministry) and finally, you can support us in prayer. PRAY for the team and the families who attend that they would be inspired by creation to know God better.
Want to know more about Mossy Church?
We have LOTS more events and sessions coming up this term. If you’d like to be kept up to date, support or know more, you can follow us on Facebook by searching @mossychurchstgswilton or you can join our Mossy Church newsletter list by emailing families@stgchurch.co.uk
Our other sessions this term will be…
* ‘Stargazing’ at Wildside for ages 0-12 (Blackdown Hills) 4.30-6.30pm on November 9th – one of the most popular Mossy events each year, join us as we explore the night skies, enjoy sparkly crafts, sensory play, toast marshmallows on the crackling campfire and much more besides. Full details and booking link will be sent to you later on in the term. This session costs £5 per family to cover costs and venue. Booking essential.
* Autumn Adventure - a Mini Mossy Church session for 0-5’s November 19th 10-11.15am FREE to attend, but limited space so booking essential – another popular session at St G’s. Join us as we adventure through the Autumn season with lots of nature crafts, a crunchy leaf walk, crackling campfire apples, & lots more activities, songs, stories and sensory play. Booking link to be sent later in the term.