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New Growth

at St George's

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The Vision 

The vision at St George’s Church, Wilton is to grow in spirit and to grow in number. God is calling us on an adventure of faith to love him more deeply and to overflow with love for our neighbours in this community. Our tiny corner of Somerset is growing rapidly, attracting new people week by week thrilled with the heart for the gospel of Jesus spreading across the town. Over the next 12 months, God is stirring up new plans, gospel projects and abundant life here. 

The Background 

The Christian story is one of lavish grace. Even when humans were most opposed to God’s plans, he poured himself out, so that anyone can receive the invitation into God’s people. So, worship and ministry will always be free to access. There are no paywalls, entry tickets or subscription levels to be passed. Hallelujah! Yet, since the ministry of Jesus there has always been a cost to providing this ministry. In the gospels, we read of how the work of Jesus and the disciples were supported by three women, Mary, Joanna and Susannah who ‘provided for them out of their means’. In order to grow in spirit and number, in order to be a blessing to this community, St George’s relies on the support of people that ‘provide from their own means’. God gives graciously and calls his people to give sacrificially. Thank you to everyone who supports the ministry.  


Our Christian Giving Scheme

If you have started coming to St George’s regularly, or have been coming for some time but haven’t
yet done so, may we encourage you to join our committed Christian Giving scheme by completing a
pledge form and possibly a standing order form. Just email for the Church Office to send you the form to complete or email our Christian Giving Officer


  • If you pay income tax, and have not already done so, please consider Gift Aiding your giving.

  • If after praying about it, you would like to change the amount you are already giving to St George’s, you will need to fill out a new form St Georges Giving Form and, if appropriate a new Standing Order form. 

  • If you are putting your affairs in order and are considering making a will or revising an existing one, would you like to remember St George’s in your will?

  • Another way to donate to the work of St George’s, is via our Give A Little page and very soon via Stewardship


Like every parish in our diocese, we contribute to the Common Fund of the diocese through our Parish Share. 

Heartfelt thanks to everyone who cheerfully contributes time, effort or money to the ministry of St George’s, reflecting the generosity of the God we worship. 


Our Christian Giving Scheme helps towards:

  • sustaining our church building,

  • sustaining our clergy, 

  • sustaining our ministry.

If you would like to know more about, please do chat with either our  Vicar, our Christian Giving Officer, the Churchwardens, or the Church Office. See our Who's Who page. Please click here for our Christian Giving Appeal Leaflet for 2023

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